Aeonium Crested Sunburst is a charming monocarpic variegated branching succulent with white, green leaves and fascinating rosy pink edges. 

As this succulent plant reached its full growth, it grows up to 46 cm tall and 61 cm wide. Once Aeonium Crested Sunburst blossoms its flower, the main plant will die because it is a monocarpic plant.

Anyone can plant Aaeonium Crested Sunburst because it is safe for humans as well as for your pets. Like Aeonium Kiwi, the leaves of this succulent plant are typically arranged in rosettes and have a round shape. 

Aeonium Crested Sunburst

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Care Guide

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Care Guide

Although most succulent plants require full attention and care, Aeonium Crested Sunburst will not be a burden to you. Of course, it needs proper care and growing tips to survive and live.

This article won’t fail you and help you care for your Aeonium Crested Sunburst. Below are the essential care guide and propagation tips for your succulent plant.

What is the watering method that is best for Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

Aeonium Crested Sunburst does not like to be sitting in water for a couple of hours. This succulent plant has only tiny roots, and if you let it sit in water, there will be a possibility of root rot.

As much as possible, avoid an excessive amount of water as it has specific watering needs. Let the soil fully dry out before giving your succulent another shot of moisture. This watering technique is famous and advisable to most types of succulent like Aeonium Crested Sunburst.

Where should Aeonium Crested Sunburst be planted?

Similar to other succulents, Aeonium Crested Sunburst is not a cold-hardy succulent plant. So if you are worried because you live in an area that gets colder than 30° F (-1.1°C), it is commendable to plant your Aeonium Crested Sunburst in a container intended for indoor planting.

This succulent does well in full sunlight to partial shade. Please place it in an area of your garden or inside your house that gets 6 hours of daylight a day. If deciding to plant it indoors, find a place that gets a lot amount of sunlight. It will thrive as long as it gets enough sunlight.

What soil is suitable for Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

For this succulent plant, it would be best to use a sandy loam, or you can use a regular potting mix instead. Since Aeonium Crested Sunburst needs some moisture, you can add perlite to your typical potting mix. 

How to feed Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

Feeding your Aeonium Crested Sunburst has a massive contribution to its growth development. Feed your succulent with a half-strength balanced fertilizer during its growing phase.

You can provide it once a month. Excessive feeding of fertilizer is not suitable for the plant; avoid it as much as possible.

Repotting Aeonium Crested Sunburst

Aeonium Crested Sunburst looks excellent in a container or a pot. Repotting them every once in a while helps them to maintain their moisture level. You can re-pot your succulent plant every 2-3 years with fresh well-draining soil.

In repotting your succulent, choose a container or a pot with a drainage hole so that the water will not sit there and save your succulent from root rot.

How to groom Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

Taking care of your Aeonium Crested Sunburst is much easier than taking care of your children. If you want to maintain the shape of your succulent plant, grooming is necessary.

You can groom your Aeonium Crested Sunburst whenever you saw an overlarge leaf, cut it to maintain your succulent shape. Keeping the pot or the container is part of grooming your succulent, so keep that in mind.

What are the Pest and Diseases of Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

Aeonium Crested Sunburst doesn’t’ usually face significant pests or diseases. Some common problems that may attack this succulent plant are slug and snail, bird, and mite. Below are their characteristics and helpful preventions that we can do to prevent them from damaging our succulent plant.

Slug and SnailSlug and Snail – These pests look harmless to your plant, but eating your Aeonium Crested Sunburst is their favorite thing to do. Since your succulent plant loves some moisture, these pests love water too. They lay their eggs in the crannies of soil and eventually can damage your succulent plant.

Using one of the most eco-friendly and efficient ways to keep them out of your plant would help prevent that from happening. Use crushed eggshells and scatter them around your main plant. As slug and snail have delicate skin, this prevention tip will help your Aeonium Crested Sunburst slug-snail free.

BirdBird – Normally, birds are very beneficial in our garden because they eat some unwanted insects. But it would be best if you also watch out; they can also be destructive. They love to eat newly planted seeds and like to peck at leaves.

The primary prevention of the damage they may cause is covering your succulent plant with a floating row cover. It will help your seeds and also mature plants from bird bites.

MitesMite – Mite is very dangerous to your Aeonium Crested Sunburst. They can suck your succulent plant’s juices. While your succulent plant, they leave a chemical in your succulent that results in galling or abnormal growth.

To prevent that from happening, wash your lovely succulent plant with soapy water. It will send away mite from your Aeonium Crested Sunburst.

Those are the common pests that your succulent plant may face. Aside from that, root rot is the leading disease of most succulent. The main reason why succulents have root rot is the overwatering schedule. Drowning your succulent will cause decay on its roots. As much as possible, avoid it and follow the watering technique, which is the soak and dry.

How to propagate Aeonium Crested Sunburst?

Gardeners always want to increase their plant collection, and the known way to achieve that is through propagations. Here are the following ways on how to reproduce your Crested Sunburst:

Through its Cuttings

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Cuttings

Since Aeonium Crested, Sunburst is a monocarpic plant, and it is good to know how to propagate it to enjoy your succulent for more years. Propagating through cuttings is the primary way to reproduce your succulent plant.

The first thing to do is get a clean and sharp knife or cutter and cut a preferred stem directly from the central cluster. Let it sit for several days and allow it callous over. Prepare a well-draining soil and plant the stem. Utilize the soak and dry watering technique to your newly planted succulent.

Through its Leaves

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Leaves

You can also try to propagate your Aeonium Crested Sunburst through its leaves. Pluck leaves that are in good condition from the stem. Ensure that no part of the leaves is left on the branch so that the propagation will work well. Do not replant it promptly; wait for it to callous over for 2—3 days. Replant it in well-draining soil and water it thoroughly whenever the ground dried out.

Through its Offsets

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Offsets

Aeonium Crested Sunburst can also reproduce through its offsets. In doing the propagation, you need to wait for a few years to get the central cluster’s baby plant. To start the propagation process:

  1. Use a sterilized knife or cutter and carefully cut out the primary cluster’s offset.
  2. After removing the baby plant, clean the extra soil and form callous for a few days.
  3. Use well-draining soil for your newly planted succulent plant.
  4. Be mindful in watering your succulent plant, and do not overwater.

Through its Seeds

Aeonium Crested Sunburst Through Its Seeds

To propagate from seeds, plant the seeds in well-draining soil, and when the soil is completely dried out, water thoroughly.

Aeonium Crested Sunburst is well-known to be an admirable succulent. It is a low maintenance succulent plant and has a unique one that blooms in summer. It can be grown either outdoor or indoor. You will surely enjoy the beautiful view of your garden setting with Succulent, mostly if you planted it in an attractive container or pot. Along with the beautiful features of this succulent plant, your garden setting will be more appealing by adding and growing your own Aeonium Crested Sunburst


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